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  4. 国内の大学からハワイ大学 マノア校に合格(編入)しました!



M. Yamazakiさんの体験談

国内の大学からハワイ大学 マノア校に合格(編入)しました!

M. Yamazakiさんの体験談

Liberty English Academy is what has made me feel as confident as i can be in English , the Lingua Franca of the century.

I started learning English in the international school when I was small and I also studied abroad in the U.S. for a year as a freshman of college. These experiences made my English skills better.
Despite those experiences, I still felt a little insecure in both speaking and writing Academic English.

LIBERTY  drastically changed my ways of thinking English.
In class of LIBERTY , I always write a piece of essay and the speech version of the essay which made my writing skill far better and learned how to express my own thinkings , feelings and sensations in English.
In the second half of the class, I do grammar worksheets based on the Fujikawa  sensei’s own method of grammar table,which was created and exclusively taught at and after finishing the worksheets ; Mr. Fujikawa patiently and thoroughly corrects all the worksheets I have done at home and we think together why the answer is wrong by checking from the perspective of the Grammar Table.
To do the grammar worksheets again and again, I came to be able to diagnose my weaknesses or mistakes and I could overcome those  more precisely and correctly than ever before !
 LIBERTY English Academy has made me much more confident in every part of English and I am not afraid anymore to study at the University of Hawaii. I have gained true English skills in this academy, on top of which I want to emphasize that through these classes at LIBERTY, I realized that the most essential thing to study and to live a substantial life is to have perseverance & appropriate method of doing things.
This academy , which i think is one of a kind, will teach you really important things in both studying and to be at the highest social place you wish for. I am really glad and thankful to have known this academy and to have studied at this academy ;
LIBERTY helped me ride on the right track of academic world and thereafter real world ,  simply changing my life per se . I can testify LIBERTY can lead you to the perfect World of English , where you have been wishing for since the advent of learning.




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