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  4. TOEFL iBT 100を越え109突破。ライティングは30(満点)達成!



M. Nomotoさんの体験談

TOEFL iBT 100を越え109突破。ライティングは30(満点)達成!

M. Nomotoさんの体験談 ・ 白百合女子学園高校


What I learned at Liberty English Academy: Fujikawa-method Grammar Table was what I do wish I knew when I was 12!

I first visited Liberty English Academy almost a year ago as I started considering applying to American universities. My TOEFL iBT score was not good enough to apply for IVY league universities. I was particularly weak on speaking section though I could speak fluent English.

I had been going to a special school for TOEFL in Yokohama for as long as 2 years but it was no later or sooner than I joined the iBT class in Liberty English Academy had I recognized what I fundamentally lacked. I joined the structure class of Fujikawa-method Grammar Table for TOEFL iBT at first. At the beginning, I must admit it was hard to understand what Mr. Fujikawa said during classes because, as he says, the way the Japanese learn English and that of native speakers, namely the way you learn English in Liberty English Academy are totally different and I was one of THE Japanese. But as I memorized the Grammar Table Mr. Fujikawa contrived, I became able to answer all the questions a lot faster and more precisely, and more importantly, I became able to write longer, more concise and grammatically perfect essays not to mention that I became far better in speaking session of iBT. 

What was also encouraging is that Mr. Fujikawa never utters a negative word however big a mistake anyone makes. Instead, he always encourages students to have confidence as well as to study hard. Thanks to him, I finally decided to apply for ivy leagues where I’d never thought I could be before I went to Liberty English Academy.

In less than 5 months, I got 109 on TOEFL iBT and 30(full score) on the writing section. I also got 740 out of 800 on SAT’s writing section and now I’m confident of my English in every aspect. I dearly appreciate Mr. Fujikawa and his Grammar Table for helping and inspiring me to bring up my English and confidence to this superb level and strongly hope for his method to spread to guide more and more people struggling with English to the best and most effective way to study perfect English.

The Fujikawa Method-Grammar Table is the One & Only and exactly what I wish I knew when I was 12 ! ! !

I am hoping to see you at the Top !

> TOEFL対策コースはこちら

無料カウンセリングのご予約 電話

