  1. コーチング英語塾【LIBERTY】TOP
  2. TOEFL対策塾
  3. スコアアップ・合格体験記・進学実績
  4. 藤川メソッドを学び3ヶ月弱でTOEFL iBT 95点→113点へ!



K. Saitoさんの体験談

藤川メソッドを学び3ヶ月弱でTOEFL iBT 95点→113点へ!

K. Saitoさんの体験談 ・ 慶応大学法学部卒 某大手企業勤務


You surely can attain TOEFL iBT 110 and fulfill your longstanding dream via Copernican Fujikawa Method !

Right before I took the counseling session at LIBERTY I was in the utmost desperation because I was told by my company to take TOEFL iBT 100 within 6 months and I was still in the darkest abyss of struggling for it ; there was no sign of betterment notwithstanding my ultimate effort toward it.

Before I met Fujikawa sensei and knew what Fujikawa Method Grammar Table is all about, I was with dubiosity  about it as well as expectation; every other English school in Tokyo I had tried beforehand was nothing but hopelessness or emptiness…

It can be righteously claimed now that LIBERTY is surely the One & Only resource to the Perfect English of Lingua Franca, the international Language of today, of Ivy Leaguers ; as I continued to learn for as short as 3 months the Copernican Fujikawa Method grammar Table at the foot of Mr.Fujikawa ,the inventor of it, what I was able to obtain at LIBETY, the One & Only English school available in Japan, was far beyond what I imagined I would be able to!

Simply put, what I could acquire at LIBERTY was English as impeccable as that of  Elite-Ivy leaguers. i.e, I could accumulate my TOEFL iBT score from 95 to 113 in less than 3 months in the fastest and surest manner by completely mastering the Fujikawa Method, which was simply an amazing and thankful experience for me because I had been unable to score up TOEFL  at all after I obtained 95 last year no matter how hard I worked on it at another TOEFL school in Tokyo…

As mentioned already, since I began taking classes of Grammar Table Fujikawa Method and thereafter TOEFL iBT class at LIBERTY, I got 113 (L.27/R.29/S.27/W.30 ), which has let me feel more than confident of my English. I cannot thank Mr.Fujikawa enough and his Copernican Fujikawa Method Grammar Table for making my long embedded Japanese English,which is full of imperfection, substantially deviating from the Elite Perfect English, turned into Elite Ivy Leaguer English, so to speak, in the most amazing manner.

Seeing is believing, folks !

Be most careful of your choices. It’s because your life depends on the very choice you make.

LIBERTY is the choice you should never miss…

If you are desperate in acquiring the highest TOEFL score in the swiftest and the most complete fashion, I am more than sure that LIBERTY is exactly what you must have been seeking for.

I can pledge that you will never regret when you come to know the ultimate Fujikawa method.

無料カウンセリングのご予約 電話

